Current condition
Non-existing facility
Tuz Pazar's Hammam Tuz Pazar's Hammam Tuz Pazar's Hammam

Tuz Pazar's Hammam

The Tuz Pazar’s hammam was located southeast of the Isa Bey Mosque, on the hill on which the Sultan Murat Mosque and the Clock Tower were built. It was also known as the Bride's Hammam, and as the Guild’s Hammam, whereas older people of Skopje called it the Hammam on the Tuz Bazaar (salt bazaar/market). In written documents it is referred to as the Hammam of Ibrahim Chaush too.
The time period of its construction is not exactly known. However, the way of building, as well as the decorative elements that have been preserved, categorize it among the older hammams built in our country. The causes and the exact period of its hailstorm are unknown. However, they can be assumed since we know the history of this city and the natural disasters that occurred.

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