Viktor Trajanovski and unknown
Current condition
Existing facility
The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower The Bey Tower

The Bey Tower

The Bey Tower was built sometime in the late XVII and early XVIII century. Salih Asim points out that it was owned by the Kuleliler family. The tower has a ground floor and 3 floors no top. It is 14 meters high, with a square base of 7.5 x 7.5 meters, and the walls on the ground floor are 1.45 meters wide. It belongs to a special type of architecture which, in addition to being residential, also had a defensive role, which is why it had numerous rifle openings. Two fireplaces on the first and second floors were heating the building, while the third floor was heated by the chimneys that passed through. On the third floor there were teferici i.e. lightly protruded wooden balconies. The first and second floors had stone stairs, connected to the walls, and on the third floor there were wooden stairs.

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