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The Daut Pasha’s lodging The Daut Pasha’s lodging The Daut Pasha’s lodging The Daut Pasha’s lodging The Daut Pasha’s lodging The Daut Pasha’s lodging

The Daut Pasha’s lodging

This Lodging was built in the late 15th century, by the Grand Vizier Daut Pasha and was part of the great waqf of this legator, consecrated to his buildings in Istanbul (a mosque, a medres and an imaret). It was one of the few buildings that Daut Pasha built in Skopje, located in the area near the Stone Bridge, including the Daut Pasha Hammam. In the document for the census of the waqf (1546-1568) this lodging is written as Slaves Lodging (han-i esiran) with an income of 20.000 akçes. It was a solid monumental building, but it certainly suffered throughout most of the disasters happening Skopje.

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