Current condition
Non-existing facility
The Theater The Theater The Theater The Theater The Theater The Theater The Theater The Theater The Theater - Under construction

The Theater

The population of this area was introduced to theater plays and street entertainers long before the construction and establishment of any theater institution. The most common form of plays was the shadow games of Karagjoz and Hadjivat, various types of puppet shows performed during the holidays, and so on. The first theater in Skopje, named "The Shuban and Vatan City Theater (The Youth of the Homeland)" was built in 1906, during the reign of Mahmoud Shefqet Pasha. The theatre was located on the quay of Vardar (in lieu of today's MOB building) near the Ada Kahvehane (coffee shop). It was built of wood, displaying very modest decorations due to lack of fundings. The theater was a rectangular building, 20 meters wide, 37 meters long, and 14.5 meters high. The building had a ground floor, galleries and more than 20 boxes. The stage was constructed in Dusseldorf, it was spacious and decorated with rich elements. The auditorium could host 700 spectators. The hall was lit by gas lamps, and the heating was provided by ordinary stoves which is why it was often unsuficient. Garden with a fountain was positioned in front of the theater. Plays by the then most famous Ottoman authors Shemseddin Sami, Namik Kemal were performed, and the theater hosted the famous actor Burhaneddin Effendi. Furthermore, many famous theater troupes such as Mikayan, Seferia, Ahmet Fehmi, etc. were guests. Ballrooms, choir concerts, and film screenings were also held at the theater. The theater was destroyed in a fire in 1913, just a few years after its founding.

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