Current condition
Non-existing facility

The post office

The old Turkish post office was located between the Vilayet residence "Ukjumat" and the Mustafa Pasha’s Mosque, facing the entrance to the Kale Fortress. It was built at the end of the XIX century, an information provided by the inscription on the stone slab placed above the front door. It was written in non-talc letter and in translation reads:

This telegraph was founded and erected by a Sultan, the son of
Sultan Abdul Hamid Khan II, an ornament of the high and
valued Ottoman throne. The construction is completed in
one thousand three hundred and seventeenth Hijri year (1899)

At the time of its construction, the building housed the first ever Turkish telegraph office in the city, and was later renamed - Directorate of Telegraph and Mail. Originally, the building had a rectangular base and consisted of a ground floor and first floor, followed by another floor constructed later. As a result of the 1963 earthquake, the building was damaged and the later added second floor was removed during its reconstruction. Today, the building houses the International Balkan University.

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